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to a common set of problems

Mapping the connections between operations & financials

Understanding the connections between your businesses day-to-day operational activities & the financial results of those activities is the most important thing you can do to as you plan your businesses future success.


8 Fifteen provides consulting services that help & teach business owners to create detailed financial & operational plans that ensure cash flow & avoid the Valley of Death.  If you already have negative cash flow we offer hands on business development services to help you turn it around.  


Understand the events that cause problems & how to fix them

90% of the business plans  created lack the financial & operational details entrepreneurs need  to help guide their need in real life.


In real life when businesses have problems owners often abandon their plan and try anything to make the immediate problem go away, even if the 'fix' creates a bigger set of problems. 


8 Fifteen plans are different. We  help owners foresee the events or decisions that can cause  problems as well as the options to fix them.  By using the PAAAR system & our data tools clients can understand their options and make informed decisions if problems show up in real life; resulting in less stress & less  money wasted.  

Trial & error as a business strategy is just too expensive.

Whether you are launching a new business or a new initiative for an existing business it takes a lot of work, and that work needs to produce the results.  


Launching without a methodology and a specific set of criteria to measure the impact of the work is a great way to spend more money and miss the results.  Trial & error as a business strategy has died.


We help clients launch specific initiatives, following a set plan with measured results where each initiative adds value and improves overall ROI.  Narrowing focus to only launching revenue generating initiatives until profitability & cash flow are established allows clients to grow quickly when the time comes

Growth on its own does not fix all problems.

Once you have a workable plan with sufficient detail to make data driven decisions, and you have implemented the systems needed to support your clients & staff without sacrificing profits, its time to focus on rapid growth.  


Focusing on rapid growth without these pieces in place will only  produce short term results because customers & employees don't stay with companies that cant take care of them.  


8 Fifteen helps growth-ready companies implement aggressive revenue generation strategies that add customers & strategic partners while keeping costs in check.  


There are lots of ways to make money but not all produce consistent profitability, make sure to plan the work & work the plan.

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