Getting Started
We look forward to working with you and helping your business advance.
While we work with each client according to their specific needs, we stick to a standard process for getting started so you know what to expect.
Our process:
1. Read the information below and complete the forms at the bottom of the page. This will help make our initial conversation more productive.
2. Initial discussion. Call or text. If we are available to talk at that time we will chat for 5-10 minutes to get an idea of what you are looking for from consulting and we we feel we will be able to do an excellent job for what you need. If we are unable to talk at that time we will set a time to talk either in person or on the phone. Call now if you are ready. 806-680-2815
If you want us to call you send us an email with your contact information and we will call you when we have time to talk.
3. Get project details. If, based on our initial discussion, we feel we are a good match for your project we will set a time to talk longer ( 1/2 - 1 hour) either in person or on the phone / video meeting so we can get a more comprehensive view of your project, and we can put together and accurate estimate of the time and the cost for your project.
4. Agreement. If after meeting and discussing the project further we both want to move forward we will give you an estimate of the time & cost of the project including the scope of work we will do and the what you agree to provide (information, documents, payment, etc. depending on the project)
5. Get started. Once we have a signed agreement and the initial payment for the project we will get started and devote our focus to your project. We only take 2-4 clients at a time so we can stay focused on client work and making progress for you.
Other Important Info
1. Payment. We charge on an hourly basis for one time or short-term consulting. Payment in cash or check will be expected following each session unless other arrangements have been made. For long term consulting or project work, payments will be expected as progress is made on your project. We typically receive a partial payment to begin work, a second payment when the project is 50% done, and the remainder when the project is completed.
2. Cooperative work. We work on a cooperative basis with our clients, meaning that you won't hand us a pile of papers and then get a finished product in a month. Your input is a required part of the process and your lack on involvement may delay the project. If you are unable to contribute to the project for a while we may take on other clients until you you have the time to be involved and then we will pick back up. If this happens your project may be delayed until other client work is completed. We have found that clients who are disconnected from the project are unclear about the results they want or expect, and that leads to unnecessary confusion and rework.
In the quote we provide your expected involvement will be stated so there are no surprises. If you choose to cancel a project due to conflicts with your schedule no refunds for work/time already done will be provided.
3. Third parties & Privacy. If the completion of your work requires the participation of a 3rd party (web host, printer, lender, etc.) we will need your written authorization before we will share any of your information with them or send the work we do for you to them. This is protect both your privacy and the integrity of the work we produce for you.
We look forward to working with you and helping your business succeed.